Thi s re mote cont rol is d esig ned to s epar atel y con trol you r ce ilin g fa n sp eed and light bri ghtn ess.
The fan button will control the fan speed. (Hi, Med., Low , Of f) Select “D” or “ON” in the frequency switches to control the light dimmer or ON/OFF function based on your light bulbs. The red indicator on the transmitter will light when the button is pressed. INST ALLA TION AND OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONSNOTE: This remote control unit is equipped with 16 code combinations to prevent possible interference from or to other remote units. The
frequency switches on your receiver and transmitter have been preset at the factory . Please recheck to make sure the switches on
transmitter and receiver are set to the same position, any combination of settings will operate the fan as long as the transmitter and
receiver are set to the same position. 1. SETTING THE CODE This unit has 16 different code combinations. T o set the code, perform these steps:Cau tion ! The dip swi tche s on the rec eive r un it ar e co vere d wi th a rub ber cove r , re move the rub ber cove r an d th en p lace back aft er m akin g an y
cha nges to t he d ip s witc hes. A. Set ting the code on the tran smit ter: a . Rem ove the batt ery cove r . Pr ess firm ly b elow the arr ow a nd s lide bat tery cov er o ff.b . Sl id e th e fr eq ue ncy sw it ch es t o you r c ho ic e of u p o r d ow n po si ti on. ( Fa ct or y se tti ng is a ll u p) . D o n ot u se t hi s P osi ti on . U se a sma ll s cr ew dr ive r
or a b al lp oi nt p en t o sli de fi rm ly u p or dow n (F ig ur e A ).c. F or u se w it h inc and es ce nt b ul bs, us e th e “D ” set tin g fo r fu ll ra nge d im mi ng . For fa ns t ha t us e F luo re sc en t or LE D b ul bs , us e the “O N” s et ti ng fo r
th e li gh t to h av e ON /O FF fun ct io ns o nl y . d . Rep lace the bat tery cov er o n th e tr ansmi tter . B. Set ting the code on the rece iver :a . Sli de t he f requ ency swi tche s to the same pos itio ns a s se t on you r tr ansm itter (Fi gure B).
2. IN ST ALL ING R EC EI VE R I N TH E CE ILI NG F A N A. Safety precautions:W ARNING: HIGH VOL T AGE! Household electrical power can cause serious injury or death. Disconnect the source of electrical power
to the ceiling fan by removing the fuse or switching off the circuit breaker . B. Installing receiver in fan.: a. Remove the ceiling fan canopy from the mounting bracket. b. Disconnect the existing wiring between the ceiling fan and supply at the electrical junction box.c. Lay the black antenna wire on top of the receiver , and put the receiver in the mounting bracket. (Fig. C)